Anthropology introduction
Delhi Institute for Civil Servic
Anthropology introduction
Meaning scope and development of anthropology
Meaning scope and development of anthropology
Anthropology (Branches of anthropology)
Anthropology (Branches of anthropology)
Anthropology(Theories of evolution)
Anthropology(Theories of evolution)
Darwinism 2
Darwinism 2
Synthetic theory of evolution
Synthetic theory of evolution
Anthropology - Evolution
Anthropology - Evolution
Introduction to Mendellianism
Introduction to Mendellianism
Anthropology Mendellianism 2
Anthropology Mendellianism 2
Mendellianism and law of inheritance
Mendellianism and law of inheritance
Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection
Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection
Concept of genetic polymorphism, genetic equilibrium and other topics
Concept of genetic polymorphism, genetic equilibrium and other topics
Human genetics - method and application 1
Human genetics - method and application 1
Concept of Human genetics, method and application 2
Concept of Human genetics, method and application 2
Genetic Imprinting, Genetic Screening, Genetic Counselling, Chromosomes and chromosal aberratons,
Genetic Imprinting, Genetic Screening, Genetic Counselling, Chromosomes and chromosal aberratons,
94 Genetic screening, DNA fingerprinting, CHomosomal Aberrations+95 Race and Racism introduction
94 Genetic screening, DNA fingerprinting, CHomosomal Aberrations+95 Race and Racism introduction
Race and Racism
Race and Racism
Race and racism 2
Race and racism 2
Ecological Anthropology
Ecological Anthropology
Ecological Anthropology II
Ecological Anthropology II
Epidemiological Anthropology
Epidemiological Anthropology
nature of culture and society
nature of culture and society
The nature of society
The nature of society
Marriages 2
Marriages 2
Marriage III
Marriage III
Family II
Family II
Family and kinship
Family and Kinship
Kinship 2
Kinship 2
Economic Anthropology 1
Economic Anthropology 1
Economic Anthropology 2
Economic Anthropology 2
Economic anthropology 3
Economic anthropology 3
Economic Antropology 4
Economic Antropology 4
Political Anthropology and Social Control
Political Anthropology and Social Control
Social Control
Social Control
Religion 1
Religion 1
Religion 2
Religion 2
Anthropological Thoughts and Evolutionism (Morgan and Frazer)
Anthropological Thoughts and Evolutionism (Morgan and Frazer)
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism) 1
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism) 1
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism) 2
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism) 2
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism and Historical Particularism)
Anthropological Thoughts(Diffusionism and Historical Particularism)
Anthropological Thoughts(Functionalism)
Anthropological Thoughts(Functionalism)
Anthropological Thoughts(Neo Evolutionism) (Paper I)
Anthropological Thoughts(Neo Evolutionism) (Paper I)
Anthropoloical Thoughts(Neo Evolutionism)- Paper I
Anthropoloical Thoughts(Neo Evolutionism)- Paper I
Indian Social System Purushartha, Rina, Ashrama Rebirth etc(Paper II)
Indian Social System Purushartha, Rina, Ashrama Rebirth etc(Paper II)
Caste and VarnaConcept and origin Paper II
Caste and VarnaConcept and origin Paper II
Anthropological Thoughts(Cultural Personality School Ruth Benedict Margaret Mead)
Anthropological Thoughts(Cultural Personality School Ruth Benedict Margaret Mead)
Anthro thoughts(Culture personality School Ralph Linton, Abraham Cardiner, Cora Du Bois)
Anthro thoughts(Culture personality School Ralph Linton, Abraham Cardiner, Cora Du Bois)
3.Trends in Caste system, Dominant Caste, Tribe Caste Continuum, Jajmani System--PaperII
3. Trends in Caste system, Dominant Caste, Tribe Caste Continuum, Jajmani System--PaperII
Tribe Caste
Tribe Caste
Anthropological Thoughts(Cultural Materialism+Structuralism)--Paper I
Anthropological Thoughts(Cultural Materialism+Structuralism)--Paper I
Paper-II---Little Great Tradition, Universalisation and parochialisation, Sacred Complex
Paper-II---Little Great Tradition, Universalisation and parochialisation, Sacred Complex
Anthropological Thoughts(Structuralism+Symbolism)
Anthropological Thoughts(Structuralism+Symbolism)
Paper II-Nature Man Spirit Complex+ Sanskritisation, Westernisation and Modernisation
Paper II-Nature Man Spirit Complex+ Sanskritisation, Westernisation and Modernisation
Paper II- Westernisation and Modernisation, Indian Village(5.1)
Paper II Westernisation and Modernisation, Indian Village(5 1)
Paper II--5.1 Indian Village+ Impact of Buddhism Jainism Islam and Christianity on Indian Society(3.4)
Paper II 5 1 Indian Village Impact of Buddhism Jainism Islam and Christianity
Paper II- Linguistic and Religious Minorities Social Economic and Political Status
Paper II- Linguistic and Religious Minorities Social Economic and Political Status
Paper II- Impact of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism on India Society (3.4)
Paper II- Impact of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism on India Society (3.4)
Paper II Tribal situation in India and approaches to tribal development.
Paper II Tribal situation in India and approaches to tribal development.
Paper II --Tribal Situations and Tribal Problems in India
Paper II --Tribal Situations and Tribal Problems in India
Tribals and their Problems
Tribals and their Problems
Paper II Problems related to tribals
Paper II Problems related to tribals
Paper II- 7.2 Social Changes amongst Tribals+ 7.3 Concept of Ethnicity
Paper II- 7.2 Social Changes amongst Tribals+ 7.3 Concept of Ethnicity
Paper II (6.3)Development Projects and their impact on tribals+(7.1)Exploitation and Deprivation of Scheduled castes
Paper II Development Projects and their impact on tribal
Paper II -- 7.3 PseudoTribalism + 8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam on tribals
Paper II -- 7.3 PseudoTribalism + 8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam on tribals
Paper II--9.1 History of Tribal Administration
Paper II--9.1 History of Tribal Administration
9.1 Tribal Administration
9.1 Tribal Administration
Paper II--9.1+9.2--Role of NGOs and Role of Anthropology in Tribal welfare and development
Paper II--9.1+9.2--Role of NGOs and Role of Anthropology
Paper II-9.3 Contribution of Anthropology to understand REgionalism, Communalism, Ethnic and Political Movements
Paper II- 9 3 Contribution of Anthropology to understand Regionalism,
Archaeological Anthropology(1.8 Paper I + 1.1. Paper II)
Archaeological Anthropology(1.8 Paper I + 1.1. Paper II)
Archaeology(Paper 1-1.8)
Archaeology(Paper 1-1.8)
Archaeology--Paper I - 1.8-- Mesolithic, neolithic, Megaliths, Bronze age
Archaeology--Paper I - 1.8-- Mesolithic, neolithic, Megaliths, Bronze age
1.8 (Paper I) + 1.5 Primates (Paper I)
1_8 Paper I and 1_5 Primates Paper I
Paper 1 1.6 Phylogenetic Status of Homo sapiens + Paper II 1.2,1.3 , Paper I -Concept of Human Growth and Development
Phylogenetic Status of Homo sapiens
Paper I- 10. Human Growth and Development, 11.1 Relevance of Menarche Menopause and other Bioevents
Paper I- 10. Human Growth and Development, 11.1 Relevance of Menarche Menopause and other Bioevents
Paper I- 11.1 Bioevents of fertility
Paper I- 11.1 Bioevents of fertility
Anthropology Paper I- 11.2 Demography
Anthropology Paper I- 11.2 Demography
11.3 + 12 (Paper I )
11.3 + 12 (Paper I )
Paper I- Unit 12 Applications of Anthropology
Paper I- Unit 12 Applications of Anthropology